Private cloud notes, cloud documents and knowledge base management system
Open Source Edition v0.9.5 Professional Edition v1.5.0

MrDoc's Features

Best Writ

Mrdoc supports writing text documents using markdown editor and WYSIWYG editor, and writing online table documents using online table editor.

Best Read

In the double column reading interface, you can quickly view and select the outline in the left column, browse the document content on the right, and read the document like reading.

Authority Control

Project and documents support multiple permission configurations (public, private, login user, designated user, access key, share)


The import function is convenient for you to migrate and save local documents and documents of other systems. The export function can better meet the document use requirements in various scenarios.

Multiple Terminals

In addition to the web side,And browser extensions 「MrDoc-webclipper」「SimpleRead」(Mobile app developing)

Best Manage

From project to documents, from pictures to attachments, from user management to site configuration, can be effectively managed and controlled.

Privatization Deployment

Deploy in your own server or computer device, and the data is completely in your own hands.

Keep Updated

Products are constantly updated, so don't worry about the project being abandoned. Bugs are repaired in a timely manner and requirements are responded to in a timely manner.

Application Preview

account:test1 password:123456

Project Page
Document Page
Editor Page
Personal Center
Admin Page

Use Case

MrDoc can be used to create various document applications

Knowledge Management


Team Library

将 MrDoc 用作团队内部的文档仓库,汇聚团队技能,沉淀团队经验,积累团队数字资产。

Product Manual


Online Tutorial

用 MrDoc 编写、分享和分发你的在线教程,系统化、体系化地输出自己的知识。

Version and Service

Mrdoc provides "open source version" based on GPLv3 protocol and "professional version" of commercial license.

MrDoc Open Source Edition

Provide free private cloud knowledge base deployment solutions for individuals and small teams

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Gitee 2020 GVP

Support Markdown,Rich text and online table

Appropriate document rights control and management

Base GPLv3 License

MrDoc Professional Edition

Professional Edition enhancements and services are suitable for individual and enterprise users with further needs for systems and documents

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Support commercial,Allow custom site copyright information

More powerful document and management function

Priority support and services

Keep updated, more functions and easier to use

MrDoc Deploy Service

It provides for inexperienced non computer professional users to quickly complete the installation and deployment of mrdoc

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Support Remote Deploy

Support Debian、Ubuntu、CentOS

Support BT Panel

Support SQLite、MySQL Database

Quick Install

5 Setup Install MrDoc

# 使用 Git 工具克隆 MrDoc 源码
git clone

# 安装依赖模块
pip install -r requirements.txt

# 初始化数据库
python migrate

# 创建管理员用户
python createsuperuser

# 运行测试服务器
python runserver

Support MrDoc

如果 MrDoc 给你的生活、学习和工作带来了帮助,希望你能够给予觅思文档一些捐助。
这将支持 MrDoc 的持续优化和更新,感谢你! >>>捐助列表


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